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Scarlet Ammannia

Ammannia coccinea



Endangered (Federal)
Red-List (Provincial)


Scarlet Ammannia is a smooth, usually upright plant that usually grows between 5 cm to 20 cm tall. Its leaves are elongate, 1.5 cm to 8 cm long and clasp the stem. Each fall, the plant produces 1-4 pale lavender flowers in the leaf axils.


Scarlet Ammannia grows on fine textured soils alongside ponds that dry into the autumn. The vegetation in these sites is lowgrowing and often sparse, and consists of a variety of herbs including species of spike-rush, awned cyperus, and short-rayed alkali aster.


-It is rare and has been observed at two sites east of Osoyoos Lake
-Shoreline development
-Recreational activities
-Artificial maintenance of Osoyoos Lake water levels

You Can Help!

-Keep the area free of invasive weeds
-Avoid trampling or driving over the plant and its habitat
-Learn more about this plant and its biology


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