American Badger
Taxidea taxus jeffersonii
Endangered (Federal)
Red List (Provincial)
Badgers are a heavy-bodied, short-legged, and short-tailed member of the weasel family. They are mostly a grizzled greyish-yellow all over and are identifiable by their squat stature and distinctive black-and-white stripes on their heads and face. Their long-clawed feet are black and their ears are white with a black rim. Badgers are about 60-72 cm (23-28in) long and stand about 25 cm (10 in) tall.
Have you seen a badger lately? Report it to Badgers BC and help biologists learn more about where badgers still live:
Prefers open habitats like natural deserts, grasslands, and forest clearings. Also sometimes uses man-made open areas such as agricultural fields, road right-of-ways, golf courses, and clear cuts.
There are two discreet populations of badgers on BC. One is in the East Kootenay region, and the other covers the Thompson-Nicola and Okanagan-Similkameen area, with a bit of overlap into the Cariboo. It is estimated there are fewer than 50 badgers left in the entire Okanagan and Similkameen valleys.
-Vehicle road mortality (*up to 86% of badgers deaths are due to vehicles*)
-Drastic habitat loss due to fragmentation, urbanization, and agricultural development
-Fire suppression allowing trees and shrubs to invade suitable open habitat
-Scarcity of prey due to excessive rodent control methods
You Can Help!
-Whenever possible, avoid trapping, shooting, or poisoning prey (ground squirrels, pocket gophers, marmots, etc)
-Report sightings to the BC Badger web site above or call 1-888-223-4376
-Obey reduced speed zones in marked Wildlife Crossing areas.
-Protect badger habitat
-Reduce overly-intensive forms of livestock grazing