Mormon Fritillary, Erinna Subspecies
Speyeria mormonia erinna
Red List (Provincial)
The Mormon Fritillary is the smallest of the Fritillary butterflies with a wingspan of just 1.5-2.5 inches. The top side of the wing is bright orange with black and dark brown checkered pattern, and a black border. The underside of the wing has a similar pattern, but the colours are substantially paler, and in the erinnea subspecies the underside of the wing often has a rusty red-brown colour. The erinnea subspecies also often has blue eyes.
Sometimes, other larger Fritillary species can be mistaken for Monarch butterflies, however Monarchs have a tiger-striped, not checkered, wing pattern.
Mormon Fritillaries are usually found in areas that have denser forest canopies with medium patches of nectaring plants such as pearly everlasting, yarrow, and thistle species. Eggs and larvae depend on Violet species as a host plant.
-Invasive species reducing host plant communities
-Destruction and degradation of habitat
You Can Help!
-Remove invasive weeds from habitat areas
-Protect and conserve forest habitats
-Establish healthy communities of host plant
(Mormon Fritillary photo taken by Steve Ansell, found on