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Idaho Blue-eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium idahoense



Red List (Provincial)


Idaho blue eyed grass is a perennial tufted herb from a fibrous root; stems are simple or sometimes branched, and are flat, winged and about 10 to 42 cm tall. The leaves are mostly basal with several blades. The flowers are pale blue to purple, or deep violet-purple with 6 distinct petals.


These plants are in moist meadows and on the edges of wetlands or stream banks, in a range of mid to lower elevations, but mostly in open meadows and mountainous forests. This species prefers sub-alpine climates and seasonally moist soils.


-Intensive livestock grazing
-Destruction from cattle, horses and domestic animals
-Invasive species
-Habitat lost to agriculture and urbanization

You Can Help!

-Learn more about this plant and its biology
-Control and/or remove invasive plants and reduce soil disturbance to prevent Invasive plants from establishing


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