#FunFactFriday Did you know that cougars require about 13 times more area of habitat than a black bear to thrive? This is because they are very territorial and do not live in groups other than when the cubs stay with their mother for the first 1.25-2 years of their lives. They are also strict carnivores and mostly prey on deer. Cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, are considered an "umbrella species" in conservation efforts because the vast amounts of wilderness conserved for cougar populations also allows many other species to thrive.
In the unlikely event that you run into a cougar, make yourself big and loud. Back away slowly (never run) and make sure the cougar has a clear exit. Carry bear spray and pick up any small pets or children. Fight back if attacked, never "play dead".
If you'd like to learn more about cougars and how to co-exist safely with them, visit this link: https://wildsafebc.com/species/cougar/