osstewardshipApr 26High-energy hummingbirds#funfactfriday Did you know that Hummingbirds have some of the highest metabolic rates in the animal kingdom? They need to eat as much as...
osstewardshipFeb 21We're Hiring Field Technicians!If you are between 15-30 years old, going to school/have graduated from an environmental sciences program or similar, and want to spend...
osstewardshipOct 3, 2023Keeping healthy habitats in your backyardHappy #WorldHabitatDay! In the fall, a lot of our time is spent on habitat restoration projects with our Wildlife Habitat Stewards in...
osstewardshipSep 28, 2023Being Neighborly with wildifeToday is #NationalGoodNeighborDay! Are you being a good neighbor to local wildlife? This time of year many animals are on the move,...
osstewardshipSep 24, 2023BC Rivers DayHappy #BCRiversDay! We are so lucky in BC to have great river systems and riparian areas (creek-side forests) that provide essential...
osstewardshipSep 7, 2023Wildlife & Agricultural nettingBirds and other wildlife can cost a vineyard or orchard thousands of dollars in fruit loss. Visual and noise devices can keep animals...