#FunFactFriday Only one of these snakes pictured is a Rattlesnake. Do you know which one?

Many of our local snakes have patterning and even behaviours that help them to pass off as a rattlesnake!
1. Great Basin Gophersnake
2. Desert Nightsnake
3. Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
4. Yellow-bellied Racer (this one is a neonate- they lose their spots and patterning as they grow)
5. Terrestrial Garter Snake

All snakes have suffered substantial declines in their populations over the past century, due to both indiscriminate killing out of fear or for safety concerns as well as due to roadway mortality and rock blasting for development. Here are some ways to be snake smart and help decrease the threats these animals face.
Visit www.osstewardship.ca/snakes to learn even more!